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Story of the Month

The Holy Prophet (saw) and Children JUNE EDITION The Holy Prophet (SAW) loved little children. He even loved naughty children! One day, Rasulullah (SAW) was


The Holy Prophet (saw) and Children


The Holy Prophet (SAW) loved little children. He even loved naughty children! One day, Rasulullah (SAW) was traveling with his friends. On the way, they stopped to pray Salah (prayer)...

One Sahabi (RA) stood up and called the Adhan. "Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar..." The children who lived there had never heard the Adhan before. They laughed and began to copy the Adhan. One boy, Abu Mahdhurah, began to call the Adhan. He had a beautiful voice.

After the Sahabi (RA) completed the call, Rasulullah (SAW) called all the boys. The children thought he would be angry and would punish them. But Rasulullah (SAW) smiled and asked them to call the Adhan again!

He liked Abu Mahdhurah's voice. He kissed and patted his head, and said "Go, Insha' Allah, you will call Adhan in Bait Allah (Ka'ba)"

Abu Mahdhurah and his friends were very happy, but they were also surprised that they weren't scolded by the Prophet (SAW). They liked Rasulullah (SAW), as he had been kind to them. Their families soon accepted Islam being impressed by the Sahabis and their leader, Prophet (SAW).

When Abu Mahdhurah grew up, the Prophet's (SAW) prediction came true: he called Adhan in Bait Allah!